Sunday 6 May 2012

Restless nights...

So insomnia is now taking hold... only a week left... but I've finally given up and got out of bed to write this. I've been mulling over a question I was asked earlier, a pretty standard question, "so, what is your art about?" I think I just bluffed my way out of answering as usual but I can't help feeling I should have a better answer...
The thing is, I don't set out to make work about anything, rather, I make work from a particular position, my position, my point of view, my place in the world. I have an interest in certain subjects, lightness or failure for example, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the work I produce is about those things. This doesn't mean that my work isn't about anything or doesn't mean anything but surely meaning is attributed and subjective. In hindsight works may have meaning to me but that would seem irrelevant to the work. Maybe I've mixed up meaning and what something is about, maybe it is just a question of subject, even so I have no desire to be didactic.
This still leaves me with no direct answer to this frequently asked question... Other than I don't know, which doesn't seem like a good answer to give. Is it best to avoid the question then, to quickly and subtly change the subject?

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