Saturday 10 December 2011

A taped trio.... (and mild winge)

Given that it's nearly 1:00 am and my brain is now actual mush from prolonged essay agonizing, it's probably not the best time to critique these tape things... but, I'm not sure whether they're too literal a progression from the standing works... I do feel that, as Andrew suggested in my last tutorial, it would be good to have one of those 'where did that come from' moments of excitement... That may not make real sense but I can't see words anymore, they're just a jumble of meaningless shapes... I long for the day when an artists ability to theoretically contextualize and analyze his practice isn't bound up in his ability to write an essay like a theorist, historian or curator... sadly, I don't think that time is going to come before this essay deadline...

look, pictures!

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