Thursday, 13 October 2011

So, what's good?

Just had a chat with Alan Currall about my concerns regarding last Mondays work and the forth coming project space. It's the  first time I've spoken to Alan about work and I have to say I found it very helpful. He suggested a number of people I might look at, (including Trisha Brown, whose wall based works are sickeningly good), as well as discussing some of the good things about the work on Monday. The immediate result of this chat is that I have a more positive approach to the work and i feel a bit better. Thanks Alan....

Trisha Brown

So, what did go well the other night? The participants/performers followed my simple directions and filled in the blanks for themselves... they decided how to occupy the space, how to behave whilst they were up there. How far to push the set parameters. Eg. I had said that talking should be kept to a minimum, but speaking to spectators was fine. This direction quickly became irrelevant over time, where as, the direction to stand on the table was upheld at all times.
There are more examples but I'm not going to go through them all.

What I'm still not sure about is what to do with the project space... need to speak with Kim.

Incidentally, I'm using the words performance and performer more frequently and less grudgingly... hmm

1 comment:

  1. Having re-read this, I want to point out that I wasn't surprised that talking to Alan was helpful, I expected that it would be... don't know how my writing scans...
