Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Tutorial one...

Another good chat with Andrew Sneddon. The gist of the thing was that I just need to nail it... which once written down is incredibly vague again... Being able to say this is what I do/what i am doing with certainty rather than it all being up in the air. Being able say what the point of the work is/what I'm investigating. All of which is kind of there but just needs nailing down... so that's what I need to do, nail it. We agreed that trying to arrange a graphic design crit was a good idea and would open me up to criticism in a way that might help me nail it... By nailing it I find it easier to decide how best to approach making the work and how to best define my role/position within the work. Nailing it is about articulation and clarity. We talked about Daniel Buren and Peter Liversidge and the Simon Starling work currently at Ingleby, which I may write about anon... That's about all I can say for now...
Untitled (black & white dice) 2010. Peter Liversidge
Daniel Buren

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