Sunday, 25 September 2011

The pub/Arno/graphic design...

After a bit of a let down day last week, (involving unwanted walls appearing in my studio and other real estate issues that I thought I'd avoided but always have a way of cropping up at the start of the year), I ended up in the Blazer chatting with Arno Verhoeven from the school of Design about my posters. Why don't I talk to graphic design students about the posters? Don't you love those questions so blindingly obvious that once asked you wonder why never thought of them. I now intend to contact Zoe Patterson, the head of the graphic design department, to discuss the posiblity of arranging some sort of inter-school crit with post grad design students in a way that will hopefully be of mutual benifit. I have also been toying with the idea that this could be some sort of workshop, that is, that if the crit was held in C02 it could be open for spectators who may also benifit from the wisdom of design students... I don't know it's all pie in the sky at the minute but it's an idea and one worth following up!

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